var time_buffer_value = 0; // Customization of bufer time for DAN var is_check_start_time_gone = true; // Check start time or end time for the time, which is gone already TODAY. //FixIn: var start_time_checking_index; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get dots for partially booked dates. * For parent booking resources with specific capacity, * System do not show partially booked dates, if at least one child booking resource fully available * Otherwise it show maximum number of time-slot in one specific child booking resource * * @param param_calendar_id ID of booking resource * @param my_thisDateTime timestamp of date * @returns {string} */ function wpbc_show_date_info_top( param_calendar_id, my_thisDateTime ){ var resource_id = parseInt( param_calendar_id.replace( "calendar_booking", '' ) ); // console.log( _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get( resource_id ) ); // for debug // 1. Get child booking resources or single booking resource that exist in dates : [1] | [1,14,15,17] var child_resources_arr = wpbc_clone_obj( _wpbc.booking__get_param_value( resource_id, 'resources_id_arr__in_dates' ) ); // '2023-08-21' var sql_date = wpbc__get__sql_class_date( new Date( my_thisDateTime ) ); var child_resource_id; var merged_seconds; var dots_count = 0; var dots_in__resources = []; // Loop all resources ID for ( var res_key in child_resources_arr ){ child_resource_id = child_resources_arr[ res_key ]; // _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date(2,'2023-08-21')[12].booked_time_slots.merged_seconds = [ "07:00:11 - 07:30:02", "10:00:11 - 00:00:00" ] // _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date(2,'2023-08-21')[2].booked_time_slots.merged_seconds = [ [ 25211, 27002 ], [ 36011, 86400 ] ] if ( false !== _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date( resource_id, sql_date ) ){ merged_seconds = _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date( resource_id, sql_date )[ child_resource_id ].booked_time_slots.merged_seconds; // [ [ 25211, 27002 ], [ 36011, 86400 ] ] } else { merged_seconds = []; } if ( 0 === merged_seconds.length ){ return ''; // Day available } for ( var i = 0; i < merged_seconds.length; i++ ){ if ( ! wpbc_is_this_timeslot__full_day_booked( merged_seconds[i] ) ){ // Check if this fully booked date. If yes, then do not count it dots_count++; } } dots_in__resources.push( dots_count ); dots_count = 0; } var dots_count_max = Math.max.apply( Math, dots_in__resources ); // Get maximum value in array [ 1, 5, 3] -> 5 var dot_content = ''; for ( var d = 0; d < dots_count_max; d++ ){ dot_content += '·'; } dot_content = ( '' !== dot_content ) ? '
' + dot_content + '
' : ''; return dot_content; } /** * Show Date Info at bottom of the Day Cell * * @param param_calendar_id 'calendar_booking1' * @param my_thisDateTime 56567557757 * @returns {string} */ function wpbc_show_date_info_bottom( param_calendar_id, my_thisDateTime ) { var bottom_hint_arr = []; // Cost Hint if ( typeof (wpbc_show_day_cost_in_date_bottom) == 'function' ) { var cost_hint = wpbc_show_day_cost_in_date_bottom( param_calendar_id, my_thisDateTime ); if ( '' !== cost_hint ) { bottom_hint_arr.push( wpbc_show_day_cost_in_date_bottom( param_calendar_id, my_thisDateTime ) ); } } // Availability Hint //FixIn: var availability = wpbc_get_in_date_availability_hint( param_calendar_id, my_thisDateTime ) if ( '' !== availability ) { bottom_hint_arr.push( availability ); } var bottom_hint = bottom_hint_arr.join( '' ); return bottom_hint; } /** * Get Availability Hint for in Day Cell * * @param param_calendar_id * @param my_thisDateTime * @returns {string} */ function wpbc_get_in_date_availability_hint( param_calendar_id, my_thisDateTime ) { //FixIn: /* var sql_date = wpbc__get__sql_class_date( new Date( my_thisDateTime ) ); // '2023-08-21' var resource_id = parseInt( param_calendar_id.replace( "calendar_booking", '' ) ); // 1 var day_availability_obj = _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date( resource_id, sql_date ); // obj if ( 'undefined' !== typeof (day_availability_obj.day_availability) ) { return '' + day_availability_obj.day_availability + ' ' + 'available'; } else { return ''; } */ var resource_id = parseInt( param_calendar_id.replace( "calendar_booking", '' ) ); // console.log( _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get( resource_id ) ); // for debug // 1. Get child booking resources or single booking resource that exist in dates : [1] | [1,14,15,17] // var child_resources_arr = wpbc_clone_obj( _wpbc.booking__get_param_value( resource_id, 'resources_id_arr__in_dates' ) ); // '2023-08-21' var sql_date = wpbc__get__sql_class_date( new Date( my_thisDateTime ) ); var hint__in_day__availability = ''; var get_for_date_obj = _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date( resource_id, sql_date ); if ( false !== get_for_date_obj ){ if ( (undefined != get_for_date_obj[ 'summary' ]) && (undefined != get_for_date_obj[ 'summary' ].hint__in_day__availability) ){ hint__in_day__availability = get_for_date_obj[ 'summary' ].hint__in_day__availability; // "5 available" } } return hint__in_day__availability; } /** * Hide Tippy tooltip on scroll, to prevent issue on mobile touch devices of showing tooltip at top left corner! * @param evt */ jQuery( window ).on( 'scroll', function ( event ){ //FixIn: //FixIn: if ( 'function' === typeof( wpbc_tippy ) ){ wpbc_tippy.hideAll(); } } ); /** * Check if in booking form exist times fields for booking for specific time-slot * @param resource_id * @param form_elements * @returns {boolean} */ function wpbc_is_time_field_in_booking_form( resource_id, form_elements ){ //FixIn: var count = form_elements.length; var start_time = false; var end_time = false; var duration = false; var element; /** * Get from booking form 'rangetime', 'durationtime', 'starttime', 'endtime', if exists. */ for ( var i = 0; i < count; i++ ){ element = form_elements[ i ]; // Skip elements from garbage if ( jQuery( element ).closest( '.booking_form_garbage' ).length ){ //FixIn: continue; } if ( ( != undefined ) && ( 'hint' ) !== -1 ) //FixIn: ){ var my_element =; //.toString(); if ( my_element.indexOf( 'rangetime' ) !== -1 ){ // Range Time return true; } if ( (my_element.indexOf( 'durationtime' ) !== -1) ){ // Duration duration = element.value; } if ( my_element.indexOf( 'starttime' ) !== -1 ){ // Start Time start_time = element.value; } if ( my_element.indexOf( 'endtime' ) !== -1 ){ // End Time end_time = element.value; } } } // Duration get Values if ( ( duration !== false ) && ( start_time !== false ) ){ // we have Duration and Start time return true; } if ( ( start_time !== false ) && ( end_time !== false ) ){ // we have End time and Start time return true; } return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //TODO: Continue Refactoring here 2018-04-21 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //PS: This function from ../booking/inc/js/personal.js function wpbc_is_this_time_selection_not_available( resource_id, form_elements ){ // Skip this checking if we are in the Admin panel at Add booking page if ( location.href.indexOf( 'page=wpbc-new' ) > 0 ) { return false; } var count = form_elements.length; var start_time = false; var end_time = false; var duration = false; var element; var element_start = false; var element_end = false; var element_duration = false; var element_rangetime = false; /** * Get from booking form 'rangetime', 'durationtime', 'starttime', 'endtime', if exists. */ for ( var i = 0; i < count; i++ ){ element = form_elements[ i ]; // Skip elements from garbage if ( jQuery( element ).closest( '.booking_form_garbage' ).length ){ //FixIn: continue; } if ( ( != undefined ) && ( 'hint' ) === -1 ) //FixIn: //FixIn: ){ var my_element =; //.toString(); if ( my_element.indexOf( 'rangetime' ) !== -1 ){ // Range Time if ( element.value == '' ){ //FixIn: 7.0.Beta.19 var notice_message_id = wpbc_front_end__show_message__warning( element, _wpbc.get_message( 'message_check_required' ) ); return true; } var my_rangetime = element.value.split( '-' ); if ( my_rangetime.length > 1 ){ start_time = my_rangetime[ 0 ].replace( /(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g, "" ); // Trim end_time = my_rangetime[ 1 ].replace( /(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g, "" ); element_rangetime = element; } } if ( (my_element.indexOf( 'durationtime' ) !== -1) ){ // Duration duration = element.value; element_duration = element; } if ( my_element.indexOf( 'starttime' ) !== -1 ){ // Start Time start_time = element.value; element_start = element; } if ( my_element.indexOf( 'endtime' ) !== -1 ){ // End Time end_time = element.value; element_end = element; } } } // Duration get Values if ( (duration !== false) && (start_time !== false) ){ // we have Duration and Start time so try to get End time var mylocalstarttime = start_time.split( ':' ); var d = new Date( 1980, 1, 1, mylocalstarttime[ 0 ], mylocalstarttime[ 1 ], 0 ); var my_duration = duration.split( ':' ); my_duration = my_duration[ 0 ] * 60 * 60 * 1000 + my_duration[ 1 ] * 60 * 1000; d.setTime( d.getTime() + my_duration ); var my_hours = d.getHours(); if ( my_hours < 10 ) my_hours = '0' + (my_hours + ''); var my_minutes = d.getMinutes(); if ( my_minutes < 10 ) my_minutes = '0' + (my_minutes + ''); // We are get end time end_time = (my_hours + '') + ':' + (my_minutes + ''); if ( end_time == '00:00' ) end_time = '23:59'; } if ( (start_time === false) || (end_time === false) ){ // We do not have Start or End time or Both of them, so do not check it return false; } else { var valid_time = true; if ( (start_time == '') || (end_time == '') ) valid_time = false; if ( !isValidTimeTextField( start_time ) ) valid_time = false; if ( !isValidTimeTextField( end_time ) ) valid_time = false; if ( valid_time === true ) if ( (typeof(checkRecurentTimeInside) == 'function') && ( _wpbc.get_other_param( 'is_enabled_booking_recurrent_time' ) == true ) ){ // Recheck Time here !!! valid_time = checkRecurentTimeInside( [ start_time, end_time ], resource_id ); } else { if ( typeof(checkTimeInside) == 'function' ){ valid_time = checkTimeInside( start_time, true, resource_id ); } if ( valid_time === true ){ if ( typeof(checkTimeInside) == 'function' ){ valid_time = checkTimeInside( end_time, false, resource_id ); } } } if ( valid_time !== true ){ //return false; // do not show warning for setting pending days selectable, if making booking for time-slot //FixIn: if ( (_wpbc.get_other_param( 'is_enabled_change_over' )) && (element_start !== false) && (element_end !== false) ){ //FixIn: wpbc_front_end__show_message__warning_under_element( '#date_booking' + resource_id, _wpbc.get_message( 'message_check_no_selected_dates' ) ); } if ( element_rangetime !== false ){ wpbc_front_end__show_message__warning_under_element( element_rangetime, _wpbc.get_message( 'message_error_range_time' ) ); } if ( element_duration !== false ){ wpbc_front_end__show_message__warning_under_element( element_duration, _wpbc.get_message( 'message_error_duration_time' ) ); } if ( element_start !== false ){ wpbc_front_end__show_message__warning_under_element( element_start, _wpbc.get_message( 'message_error_start_time' ) ); } if ( element_end !== false ){ wpbc_front_end__show_message__warning_under_element( element_end, _wpbc.get_message( 'message_error_end_time' ) ); } return true; } else { return false; } } } function isTimeTodayGone( myTime, sort_date_array ){ var date_to_check = sort_date_array[ 0 ]; if ( is_check_start_time_gone == false ){ date_to_check = sort_date_array[ (sort_date_array.length - 1) ]; } if ( parseInt( date_to_check[ 0 ] ) < parseInt( _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 0 ] ) ) return true; if ( (parseInt( date_to_check[ 0 ] ) == parseInt( _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 0 ] )) && (parseInt( date_to_check[ 1 ] ) < parseInt( _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 1 ] )) ) return true; if ( (parseInt( date_to_check[ 0 ] ) == parseInt( _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 0 ] )) && (parseInt( date_to_check[ 1 ] ) == parseInt( _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 1 ] )) && (parseInt( date_to_check[ 2 ] ) < parseInt( _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 2 ] )) ) return true; if ( (parseInt( date_to_check[ 0 ] ) == parseInt( _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 0 ] )) && (parseInt( date_to_check[ 1 ] ) == parseInt( _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 1 ] )) && (parseInt( date_to_check[ 2 ] ) == parseInt( _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 2 ] )) ){ var mytime_value = myTime.split( ":" ); mytime_value = mytime_value[ 0 ] * 60 + parseInt( mytime_value[ 1 ] ); var current_time_value = _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 3 ] * 60 + parseInt( _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 4 ] ); if ( current_time_value > mytime_value ) return true; } return false; } function checkTimeInside( mytime, is_start_time, bk_type ){ var my_dates_str = document.getElementById( 'date_booking' + bk_type ).value; // GET DATES From TEXTAREA if ( my_dates_str.indexOf( ' - ' ) != 0 ){ my_dates_str = my_dates_str.replace( ' - ', ', ' ); //FixIn: } return checkTimeInsideProcess( mytime, is_start_time, bk_type, my_dates_str ); } function checkRecurentTimeInside( my_rangetime, bk_type ){ var valid_time = true; var my_dates_str = document.getElementById( 'date_booking' + bk_type ).value; // GET DATES From TEXTAREA // recurrent time check for all days in loop var date_array = my_dates_str.split( ", " ); if ( date_array.length == 2 ){ // This recheck is need for editing booking, with single day if ( date_array[ 0 ] == date_array[ 1 ] ){ date_array = [ date_array[ 0 ] ]; } } var temp_date_str = ''; for ( var i = 0; i < date_array.length; i++ ){ // Get SORTED selected days array temp_date_str = date_array[ i ]; if ( checkTimeInsideProcess( my_rangetime[ 0 ], true, bk_type, temp_date_str ) == false ) valid_time = false; if ( checkTimeInsideProcess( my_rangetime[ 1 ], false, bk_type, temp_date_str ) == false ) valid_time = false; } return valid_time; } // Function check start and end time at selected days function checkTimeInsideProcess( mytime, is_start_time, bk_type, my_dates_str ){ var i, h, s, m; //FixIn: var date_array = my_dates_str.split( ", " ); if ( date_array.length == 2 ){ // This recheck is need for editing booking, with single day if ( date_array[ 0 ] == date_array[ 1 ] ){ date_array = [ date_array[ 0 ] ]; } } var temp_elemnt; var td_class; var sort_date_array = []; var work_date_array = []; var times_array = []; var is_check_for_time; for ( var i = 0; i < date_array.length; i++ ){ // Get SORTED selected days array temp_elemnt = date_array[ i ].split( "." ); sort_date_array[ i ] = [ temp_elemnt[ 2 ], temp_elemnt[ 1 ] + '', temp_elemnt[ 0 ] + '' ]; // [2009,7,1],... } sort_date_array.sort(); // SORT D a t e s for ( i = 0; i < sort_date_array.length; i++ ){ // trnasform to integers sort_date_array[ i ] = [ parseInt( sort_date_array[ i ][ 0 ] * 1 ), parseInt( sort_date_array[ i ][ 1 ] * 1 ), parseInt( sort_date_array[ i ][ 2 ] * 1 ) ]; // [2009,7,1],... } if ( ((is_check_start_time_gone) && (is_start_time)) || ((!is_check_start_time_gone) && (!is_start_time)) ){ if ( isTimeTodayGone( mytime, sort_date_array ) ) return false; } // CHECK FOR BOOKING INSIDE OF S E L E C T E D DAY RANGE AND FOR TOTALLY BOOKED DAYS AT THE START AND END OF RANGE work_date_array = sort_date_array; for ( var j = 0; j < work_date_array.length; j++ ){ td_class = work_date_array[ j ][ 1 ] + '-' + work_date_array[ j ][ 2 ] + '-' + work_date_array[ j ][ 0 ]; if ( (j == 0) || (j == (work_date_array.length - 1)) ) is_check_for_time = true; // Check for time only start and end time else is_check_for_time = false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check START OR END time for time no in correct fee range if ( is_start_time ) work_date_array = sort_date_array[ 0 ]; else work_date_array = sort_date_array[ sort_date_array.length - 1 ]; td_class = work_date_array[ 1 ] + '-' + work_date_array[ 2 ] + '-' + work_date_array[ 0 ]; // Get dates and time from pending dates //deleted // Get dates and time from pending dates //deleted times_array.sort(); // SORT TIMES var times_in_day = []; // array with all times var times_in_day_interval_marks = []; // array with time interval marks 1- stsrt time 2 - end time for ( i = 0; i < times_array.length; i++ ){ s = times_array[ i ][ 2 ]; // s = 2 - end time, s = 1 - start time // Start close interval if ( (s == 2) && (i == 0) ){ times_in_day[ times_in_day.length ] = 0; times_in_day_interval_marks[ times_in_day_interval_marks.length ] = 1; } // Normal times_in_day[ times_in_day.length ] = times_array[ i ][ 0 ] * 60 + parseInt( times_array[ i ][ 1 ] ); times_in_day_interval_marks[ times_in_day_interval_marks.length ] = s; // End close interval if ( (s == 1) && (i == (times_array.length - 1)) ){ times_in_day[ times_in_day.length ] = (24 * 60); times_in_day_interval_marks[ times_in_day_interval_marks.length ] = 2; } } // Get time from entered time var mytime_value = mytime.split( ":" ); mytime_value = mytime_value[ 0 ] * 60 + parseInt( mytime_value[ 1 ] ); //alert('My time:'+ mytime_value + ' List of times: '+ times_in_day + ' Saved indexes: ' + start_time_checking_index + ' Days: ' + sort_date_array ) ; var start_i = 0; if ( start_time_checking_index != undefined ) if ( start_time_checking_index[ 0 ] != undefined ) if ( (!is_start_time) && (sort_date_array.length == 1) ){ start_i = start_time_checking_index[ 0 ]; /*start_i++;*/ } i = start_i; // Main checking inside a day for ( i = start_i; i < times_in_day.length; i++ ){ times_in_day[ i ] = parseInt( times_in_day[ i ] ); mytime_value = parseInt( mytime_value ); if ( is_start_time ){ if ( mytime_value > times_in_day[ i ] ){ // Its Ok, lets Loop to next item } else if ( mytime_value == times_in_day[ i ] ){ if ( times_in_day_interval_marks[ i ] == 1 ){ return false; //start time is begin with some other interval } else { if ( (i + 1) <= (times_in_day.length - 1) ){ if ( times_in_day[ i + 1 ] <= mytime_value ) return false; //start time is begin with next elemnt interval else { // start time from end of some other if ( sort_date_array.length > 1 ) if ( (i + 1) <= (times_in_day.length - 1) ) return false; // Its mean that we make end booking at some other day then this and we have some booking time at this day after start booking - its wrong start_time_checking_index = [ i, td_class, mytime_value ]; return true; } } if ( sort_date_array.length > 1 ) if ( (i + 1) <= (times_in_day.length - 1) ) return false; // Its mean that we make end booking at some other day then this and we have some booking time at this day after start booking - its wrong start_time_checking_index = [ i, td_class, mytime_value ]; return true; // start time from end of some other } } else if ( mytime_value < times_in_day[ i ] ){ if ( times_in_day_interval_marks[ i ] == 2 ){ return false; // start time inside of some interval } else { if ( sort_date_array.length > 1 ) if ( (i + 1) <= (times_in_day.length - 1) ) return false; // Its mean that we make end booking at some other day then this and we have some booking time at this day after start booking - its wrong start_time_checking_index = [ i, td_class, mytime_value ]; return true; } } } else { if ( sort_date_array.length == 1 ){ if ( start_time_checking_index != undefined ) if ( start_time_checking_index[ 2 ] != undefined ) if ( (start_time_checking_index[ 2 ] == times_in_day[ i ]) && (times_in_day_interval_marks[ i ] == 2) ){ // Good, because start time = end of some other interval and we need to get next interval for current end time. } else if ( times_in_day[ i ] < mytime_value ) return false; // some interval begins before end of curent "end time" else { if ( start_time_checking_index[ 2 ] >= mytime_value ) return false; // we are select only one day and end time is earlythe starttime its wrong return true; // if we selected only one day so evrything is fine and end time no inside some other intervals } } else { if ( times_in_day[ i ] < mytime_value ) return false; // Some other interval start before we make end time in the booking at the end day selection else return true; } } } if ( is_start_time ) start_time_checking_index = [ i, td_class, mytime_value ]; else { if ( start_time_checking_index != undefined ) if ( start_time_checking_index[ 2 ] != undefined ) if ( (sort_date_array.length == 1) && (start_time_checking_index[ 2 ] >= mytime_value) ) return false; // we are select only one day and end time is earlythe starttime its wrong } return true; } //PS: This function from ../booking/inc/js/personal.js function isValidTimeTextField( timeStr ){ // Checks if time is in HH:MM AM/PM format. // The seconds and AM/PM are optional. var timePat = /^(\d{1,2}):(\d{2})(\s?(AM|am|PM|pm))?$/; var matchArray = timeStr.match( timePat ); if ( matchArray == null ){ return false; //(""); } var hour = matchArray[ 1 ]; var minute = matchArray[ 2 ]; var ampm = matchArray[ 4 ]; if ( ampm == "" ){ ampm = null } if ( hour < 0 || hour > 24 ){ //FixIn: return false; //(""); } if ( hour > 12 && ampm != null ){ return false; //(""); } if ( minute < 0 || minute > 59 ){ return false; //(""); } return true; }